We have two huge service needs right now here at Echo Bible Church:
1) We have an enormous need for people to join our Childcare Team to serve once per month. The more people who join the team, the lighter the load for everyone else. Joining the team is only a six-month commitment, which means that you will only end up serving up to six times (unless you would like more). If you would like to serve or if you know someone who would like to serve, you would be celebrated as a hero among mere mortals... Well, that may be overstating it a tad, but we will really appreciate it, and it will enable people with kids to attend church.
2) Also, because we now have the capacity to have visual elements in our services (i.e., songs with words on a screen), we also need people to join the newly formed "Button Pusher Team." This is a much easier commitment than the childcare team (and joining one does not exclude you from the other). This will involve simply sitting at the computer and running the Power Point during the singing time and the message. Like the Childcare team, this will be on a rotation basis, which means that the more people who sign up, there will be less work for everyone else.
This is truly a situation in which many hands can make for very light work. But while the work may be light, that does not make it any less significant. We believe that a church is a place where everyone contributes to the whole. If you've been looking for a way to get involved a serve, here are some opportunities that are available right now.
If you are interested in either of these serving opportunities, please email me at echobiblechurch@gmail.com.
Thanks so much for checking in, and I hope you're having a great week!