Here's what's happing soon at Echo:
1) Friday, March 27 (6pm): Game Night at the Carmacks'
Anyone and everyone is invited over the Rob and Caroline Carmack's house for dinner, Guitar Hero, and other stuff. There will be no official church business or a Bible study or anything like that. There is no agenda for this evening except to simply hang out and enjoy each other's company. Feel free to bring the kids. If you need directions to the house, please email Rob (
2) Sunday, March 29 (Immediately following the Sunday evening service): Church Wide Business Meeting
If you are a covenant member of Echo Bible Church, you are eligible to vote at our business meetings (very exciting, I know). On Sunday, March 29 immiedately following the Sunday evening gathering, we will be holding such a meeting. The agenda will be vote on the approval of the church bylaws and the budget for the second quarter.