Thursday, September 18, 2008

Financial Info and Book Recommendation

We are now almost a month away from our first gathering (October 19). There have not been many new developments since the last update, but there are some things that you may be interested in...

-One of the concepts that we're committed to is what we call the 25/75 split. This is the idea that 25% of what we receive in tithes and offerings will be given to outside organizations that are committed to bringing relief and support to the marginalized and oppressed citizens in our world. Half of the 25% will be sent overseas while the other half will remain in the metroplex (the other 75% will be used for the day-to-day operations of the church such as equipment, printing, administrative costs, etc.). We are still exploring and praying about which organizations with which to partner in this, but we hope to be able to announce this by the beginning of October.

-Just as a reminder, if you are interested in contributing financially to our work and mission (which you are under absolutely no obligation to do), you may do so by mailing a check to Fellowship of the Parks (our sponsor church: 9900 North Beach, Keller, TX 76248). They have requested that the checks be made out to "FOTP" with "Echo Bible Church" in the memo line. For those of you who have already given, thank you again for your generosity. You are deeply appreciated.

A good book that I would like to recommend is called They Like Jesus But Not the Church, by Dan Kimball. This another excellent book that will help us to understand the perspective of mainstream culture in relation to how they view Jesus and the people who claim to follow him. Like Jim and Casper, this is not a book that is required for anyone; it's simply a helpful guide through the paradigm of Mainstream America.

Have a great week!
