Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 01: "The Grand Narrative"

Our first Sunday Gathering was this past weekend. We began a six-part series called "What We Believe." This series will be focused on looking at our six core values and how they will shape the DNA of our church as we move forward. 

The first core is The Grand Narrative: We believe in and affirm everything that the Bible affirms. We believe that the Bible is inspired and that it is instructive for those who seek to live out the way of Jesus.

We discussed the idea that we are living in the midst of a story that God is telling and that we are invited to play a part. If you are interested in reading more about this concept and why we have named it as our first core value, here are some great resources:

1) How Can the Bible Be Authoritative? (article by N.T. Wright)
This article is perhaps the single best treatment on the exploration of Scripture that I have ever read. This is where the analogy of the Five-Act Play was first introduced (at least to me). If you are at all interested in Narrative Theology, you simply must read this article.

2) The Last Word 
(N.T. Wright)

3) The Drama of Scripture 
(Bartholomew & Goheen)

4) Engaging God's World
(Cornelius Plantinga)

5) Truth Is Stranger Than It Used To Be
(Middleton & Walsh)

This weekend, we'll be talking through the second core value: Wholeness.

Don't forget, we meet at 5:30pm at the home of Jason and Angie Kimbrell. See you there!
