Thursday, September 25, 2008

October. In a Nutshell.

Hey everybody. Here's this week's update. Let me take you on a tour through the month of October...

WEDENSDAY, OCTOBER 8: Echo Planning Meeting #2.
This meeting will take place at Caroline's and my apartment at 6:30pm. Please let me know if you are interested in coming so that we can be sure to have food for you and so that I can send you directions if you need them. If you did not attend the last meeting (September 10), that's not a problem. Any and all are welcome.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19: Our first Sunday Morning Gathering!
We are rapidly approaching the date of our first Gathering. If you are planning on attending, I hope you will be thinking about who else might be looking for something like this. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about this. We will post a map to the Kimbrell home (which is where we will be gathering on Sundays) within a week of the launch date.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31: Neighborhood Halloween Party
One of our primary objectives is to be a church that exists as an essential part of whatever neighborhood or community that we happen to exist within. Because of this, we will be hosting a Halloween Party in the Kimbrells' neighborhood. The purpose of this is to get to know the people in the neighborhood and help them to get to know us. Jason Kimbrell is coordinating the details of this event, and I'll post more information about it as the date approaches. If you are interested in helping with anything, please let me know.

Also, coming in November: HOME GROUPS.

Thanks for checking in. Feel free to email me ( for questions are clarification on anything. Thanks again for your interest!
